🎙️ HR Debatable
This is HR Debatable. The debate show voicing the unpopular opinions on hot HR topics that you wish you had or dared to say.
Brought to you by Cegid and hosted by Neelie Verlinden, HR Influencer and Future of Work Expert.
In each episode, 2 different HR experts share their view on somewhat disputed statements.
Get ready for some lively debates ! A brand new episode will be released every 2 weeks.
🎙️ HR Debatable
Shift Happens: Dissecting the Fate of Offices, Remote Company Culture, and the 4-Day Workweek
Is remote work the undeniable future, rendering traditional offices obsolete? Can company culture survive and thrive in a hybrid or remote environment? And, as we approach the year 2024, are four-day workweeks no longer a radical idea but becoming a routine reality?
In this episode Vanessa (Ness) Monsequeira, Sustainability Strategist at global tech company Philips and Alexandre Hernandez, Co-founder of Jobgether, the largest remote job platform, debate on the following statements:
- Remote Work is the Future, and Office Spaces are Obsolete.
- Company culture cannot be maintained in a hybrid work (or remote) environment.
- In 2024, four-day workweeks go from radical to routine.
Fabulously moderated by the one and only Neelie Verlinden, HR influencer and Future of Work expert.