πŸŽ™οΈ HR Debatable

Gamification, Staff Swaps & Strategic Offboarding: A Heated Debate on Evolving HR Practices

β€’ Cegid β€’ Season 2 β€’ Episode 4
Is gamification just a game when it comes to serious HR processes or a game-changer for employee engagement? Should HR professionals step into the shoes of other departments to broaden their perspective? And can organizations afford to neglect a strategic offboarding process in the fast-evolving workplace? 

Dive into these provocative questions with HR experts Tim Whitley, Director of HR Technology at the Oklahoma State University and Alex Seiler, Chief People Officer and Start-Up Advisor, as they go head-to-head in a compelling debate moderated by the insightful HR influencer and Future of Work expert Neelie Verlinden. 

Statements debated in this episode:

  • Gamification has no place in serious HR processes. 
  • HR should have mandatory rotations in other departments.
  • Future of Work: Organizations that don’t offboard will be left behind.

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